Sunday, August 06, 2006

Good manners are made up of petty sacrifices

by reenee, Santa Maria

I'm still so aghast at how people behave towards those in wheelchairs that I posted this here and on my own blog. I can usually tolerate ill-mannered boorish behavior by chalking it up to the fact that they are more than likely peasants, unrefined and unaware of niceties like simple common courtesy.
As I mentioned yesterday on my blog, I went to the Old Spanish Days Fiesta to specifically attend the Mariachi Festival. I went with two friends and Mom. Although she won't admit it, Mom is a little bit slower at walking than the rest of us, so knowing that the huddled masses would be teeming, we decided that putting her in a wheelchair was our best option, and hers, due to her bad knees. Not only that, our parking space would be greatly improved, thus aiding the rest of us with our own physical deficits. Okay, mine. Hey, one has to use all of their advantages when among the unwashed. Anyways, getting into the Santa Barbara Bowl was not a problem, we arrived early enough to make it easy. Getting out was another thing. People were stampeding to the exits, as if their lives depended upon it. One woman almost beaned Mom with her cane as I tried to navigate through these peasants. One of the security guards had to scream at them to allow us though the gate. Once we'd made it down the elevator it was another trauma for Mom. As I was hollering for people to get out of the way, a young man saw my predicament and offered to help me. When I agreed, he took hold of the arm of the wheelchair and began to push his way though the crowd propelling us through as he hollered, "Make way! Wheelchair coming through!" Let me tell you, the crowd parted for him. I think it was not only due to him pushing through, but also because of his friend who was at least 6'4" and built like a refrigerator and hollering, "La SeƱora!" These two young men saved us, otherwise we might still be there.
Perhaps if these rude people were to put in some time in a wheelchair, they'd understand. However, I'm not going to hold my breath.

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